Corporate Data Management

Electronic data processing system storing data in a way of organizing smaller data units into larger units in a structured and hierarchical. In detail, the hierarchy of data from the data the smallest to the largest data can be shown as follows:

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Macro And Micro Economics

Broadly speaking, economics can be separated into two micro economics and macro economics. Understanding differences in macroeconomic and micro economic and lies in the scope of economic studies. Here is the definition and distinction of micro and macro economics:

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The Concept Of Cost In The Company

Cost is the sacrifice of resources is done to benefit
Expenses are expenses charged to income during an accounting period.
The cost object is a unit or activity to which the costs are accumulated and measured. Unit or activity that may be: product, order, department, division, project.

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Market Research

Market research is highly dependent on the size and organizational structure of each company. At small companies, where one person often handles all the tasks the company's research, there are only a few organizational problems that are in addition to, and determine to whom to report research director. Here are the most common is the director of research reports to sales manager or marketing, although some marketing research manager reports directly to the president or deputy executive director. Although a larger research units can take various organizational forms, but there are three common types, namely:

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Basic Forex Investment

Investment is a word that is not foreign to our ears, but whether the nature of the investment itself? Investment is often defined as a place for the money or capital or interest by buying the property, stocks, bonds, etc., but in general the investment can be understood as taking / use of time, money or labor to the advantage / benefit in the future. So basically the investment is "buy" something that is expected to be "sold back" in the future with a higher value.

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