Market Research

Market research is highly dependent on the size and organizational structure of each company. At small companies, where one person often handles all the tasks the company's research, there are only a few organizational problems that are in addition to, and determine to whom to report research director. Here are the most common is the director of research reports to sales manager or marketing, although some marketing research manager reports directly to the president or deputy executive director. Although a larger research units can take various organizational forms, but there are three common types, namely:

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Basic Forex Investment

Investment is a word that is not foreign to our ears, but whether the nature of the investment itself? Investment is often defined as a place for the money or capital or interest by buying the property, stocks, bonds, etc., but in general the investment can be understood as taking / use of time, money or labor to the advantage / benefit in the future. So basically the investment is "buy" something that is expected to be "sold back" in the future with a higher value.

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History Of Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia as the central bank by Act No.. 23 of 1999 is an independent state institution. In his capacity as the central bank, Bank Indonesia has one single purpose, namely to achieve and maintain rupiah stability. To achieve these objectives, course activities conducted by Bank Indonesia is not the same as those carried out by the bank in general.So, although there is the word "bank" in the Bank Indonesia, Bank Indonesia did not conduct commercial activities such as those conducted by the bank in general either Banks or Rural Bank. This means that, Bank Indonesia can not accept savings, current accounts and deposits from the general public. In addition to the general public can not directly ask for credit to Bank Indonesia.

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Islamic Economics

Islamic banking and financial system is a part and the broader concept of Islamic economics, in which the  Its purpose, as recommended by the scholars, enforce Islamic system of values ​​and ethics into the economic environment. Because this is the basic ethics, the Islamic banking and financial per for most Muslims are not just a commercial transaction system. Perceptions of Islam in the transaction financially  is seen by many Muslims as to the religious obligation. Islamic financial institutions the ability to attract investors to the success not only depends on the ability of institutions that generate profit, but also the perception that the agency seriously consider the limits laid down by Islam.

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Current Economic Tips

On this occasion, I tried to discuss the financial plan a number of positive cash flow. What is cash flow positive? We all know that if we start and run a good business venture on a large scale, medium and small that occur in our mind is the added value / added value of the business.Then how to make the added value of a business? This added value can be achieved if the business is successfully manage cash flow / cash flow of receipts and expenditures of the business. If the flow of revenue is greater than the flow of expenditures, the cash flow is positive, if the flow release  greater than the flow of revenue, the cash flow is negative.

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Tips Calculating Capital

Often do we ask people who have opened businesses: "How does the capital you need when it first opened your business today?". Answers that often arises is: "... several million dollars, or twelve million dollars so ...." really is not it? In principle, there are numbers out. But, if you are asked like that, you can not be answered. Because usually when we want to run a business, many of us who do not know how to calculate it.Well, this time I will share a secret with you about how to calculate the amount of capital you need when you want to start a business.

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