Islamic Economics

Islamic banking and financial system is a part and the broader concept of Islamic economics, in which the  Its purpose, as recommended by the scholars, enforce Islamic system of values ​​and ethics into the economic environment. Because this is the basic ethics, the Islamic banking and financial per for most Muslims are not just a commercial transaction system. Perceptions of Islam in the transaction financially  is seen by many Muslims as to the religious obligation. Islamic financial institutions the ability to attract investors to the success not only depends on the ability of institutions that generate profit, but also the perception that the agency seriously consider the limits laid down by Islam.
Different Islam and other religions, in that case based on the postulate of faith. In everyday life, Islam is  both can be translated into a theory and can also be interpreted in practice about how a person relates to others. In Islam, the behavior of individuals and communities aimed towards fulfillment of how they are implemented and how to use existing resources. This is a subject that is studied in an Islamic economy so that economic implications can be drawn and the teachings of Islam is different from the traditional economy. Therefore, Islamic economics, only the followers of Islam who believe in economic  to represent Islam.

By Metwally, the principles of Islamic economics is a big  can be described as follows:

1) In Islamic economics, different types of resources as dang couch or the trust of God's gift to man. Humans have to use it as efficiently and optimally in production to meet the common welfare of the world, that is for yourself and for others. But most important is that these activities will be accounted for in the hereafter.

2) Islam recognizes private property within certain limits, including the ownership of the means of production and production factors. First, the individual ownership interests addressed by society, and second. Islam rejects any income earned illegally, let alone attempt to destroy the community.

(3) The power of Islam is the major driver of economic cooperation. A Muslim, whether he is as a buyer, seller,  receive wages, profit makers and so on, must adhere to the guidance of Allah in the Qur'an:

O ye who believe, do not you take your neighbor's property by way vanity , unless the trade is done as they liked of you ... "(Surah 4:29).

(4) Ownership of personal property must be served as productive capital which will increase the amount of the national product and increase the welfare of the community. The Qur'an reveals that: "What God gave to His Messenger as booty, and the population in these countries, is to Allah, for the Apostle, kinsfolk, orphans, poor people and people da on the way, so that the treasure is not. circulated only among the wealthy among you ... "(Surah 57:7).

Therefore, the economic system of Islam rejects the accumulation of wealth held by some people. The concept of noodles in contrast to the capitalist economic system, in which the ownership of the industry is dominated by monopolies and oligopolies, not least that the Population common interests.

(5) Islam guarantees the ownership society, and its use is planned for the public good. This principle is based on the Sunnah of the Prophet which states that, "People have equal rights over water, pasture and fire." The Sunnah require all extractive industry that has to do with the production of water, minerals, and even food, to be managed by the State so Similarly  fuel in industry and should not be controlled by individual aleh,

(6) A Muslim must fear God and day  hereafter, as described in the Qur'an:

"And when you are afraid to return for  Allah, then each the reasons given perfect thing for what he has done. And they are not abused ... "(Surah 2:28 a). By because Islam denounced the excessive profits, trade regulations that are dishonest, unfair treatment, and all forms of discrimination and oppression.

(7) A Muslim whose wealth exceeds a certain size (nisab) is obliged to pay zakat. Zakat is a means of distribution of most of the wealth of the rich (as a sanction for the asset acquisition), which is intended for the poor and the needy. In the opinion of the scholars, subject to zakat 2.5% (two and a half percent) for all the wealth that is not productive (idle assets), including the cash, deposits, gold, silver and gems, net income and transactions (net earnings from transaction), and 10% (ten percent) and net investment income.

(8) Islam prohibits any payment of interest (RIBA) on the  form of loans, whether the loan was originated and te man, an individual company, or institution goverment la Qur'an gradually but clearly and firmly warned us about the flowers. It can be seen noodles and drop the verses of the Qur'an in a row as follows:

The second phase Allah says in surah (4) An Nisa 'verse I 60-16 1 as follows:

"It is because the tyranny of the Jews, We forbade them good (which used to be) lawful for them, and because they are much hinder (men) and the path of Allah. And because they devour usury, when in fact been  and because they feed on human ma property by way of vanity. And we've crossed  to those o war between them that disbelieve a painful chastisement. "

The third phase revealed by God through the mail (3) Au Imran verse 130 as follows:

"O ye who believe, do not devour usury with doubled and fear in Allah that ye may prosper."

The last stage riba prohibition contained in the Letter (2) Al Baqarah verse 278-279:

"O ye who believe in Allah and leave  fear remnants riba, if you are the person who religious. So if you do not do, then know that Allah and His Messenger will fight you. And if ye repent, then you staple your treasure, you are not persecuted and not (also) be persecuted. "

Islam is not the only religion which forbids interest payments. Many ancient thinkers who argue that interest payments are not fair. Even forbidden to lend money at interest in ancient Greece. Ares Toteles is a very, oppose and prohibit interest, while Plato also condemned the practice of interest. In the Old Testament, the prohibition of riba is also listed in Leviticus 25:27.

In Shariah economic, monetary and real sector dichotomy is not known. Monetary sector in the definition of Islamic economics is the transaction or the financing mechanism in the production of real market, so if you use conventional terms, the economic characteristics of Islam is the real economy, especially trade. This is the recommended Islam, "God justifies the buying and selling (trading) and forbidden usury". (QS.2: 275). The verse explicitly allow the sale or trade and forbidden usury. Sale or trade is the real sector of business activity. Business activities without the financial sector is linked with real sector activities of usury is forbidden in Islamic economics.

Therefore, the related necessity of monetary sector and real sector, the banking system developed for the Syari'ah, and lease purchase. In the result, there are businesses that financed the real sector with fluctuating profit sharing. Similarly, the buying and selling, there is an underlying real sector of skill increase (ziyadah) in assets.

In the system of sharia economy for syari'ah (profit and loss sharing) which later became the heart of the sectors 'monetary' Islam, not flowers. For indeed, the actual results in accordance with a business climate that has  profit or loss. Unlike the force characteristics of interest to the business is always positive. Islam does not recognize the concept of time value of money, so the application of the system to essentially maintain the principle of justice is still running in the economy. Because it is the economic stability stems from the principle of justice as practiced in the economy.

Islam is not only promising economic stability "monetary" but also the development of a stronger real sector. The monetary crisis that has been transformed into crisis in Indonesia, no variable can be treated with the source of previous crises, the system of interest and debt, that can not tamper with interest rates but should be by much of the characteristic variables, namely sharing system in the world of banking and other financial institutions.

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